How to Fold Your Aikido Gi Like a Japanese

Today, I will teach you TWOways to fold your gi:

  • The first methodis calledldquo;Shikaku no Girdquo; (squarely folded gi) and works best if yoursquo;re packing yourgi neatly along with other stuff.
  • The second way is calledldquo;Maki no Girdquo; (rolled gi) and works best if yoursquo;re carrying the giwithout a training bag butstill want to look cool.

1. Shikaku no Gi (Square Fold)

شیکاکو (مدل تازدن مربعی)


  1. Put your foldedpantsover your open jacket
  2. Fold the jacket sides over the pants,then fold back the sleeves
  3. Fold up the jacket/pants from the bottomtwice
  4. Tie your belt around the whole package
  5. Put it in your training bag like a boss

2. Maki no Gi (Round Fold)

ماکی (مدل گرد کردن)

Step by Step:


  1. Put your foldedpantsoveryour open jacket.
  2. Fold the jacket sides over the pants,then fold back the sleeves.
  3. Rollupthe jacket/pants from the bottom.
  4. Tie your belt around the gisausage.
  5. Swingover your shoulder and travel the world!

آب زنجبیل درست کنید تا درد حس نکنید

چگونه لباس آی کی دو را مثل یک ژاپنی تا بزنیم؟

the ,your ,fold ,jacket ,gi ,pants ,the jacket ,and works ,works best ,gi and ,from the


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